Sunday, December 7, 2008

Thoughts on a potentially good problem to have...

So... everyone always asks, What do you want to do when you grow up?  Where do you see yourself living?  etc. etc....

Here's my problem: 
Every single job I have had in my life I have loved.  Every city or place I have lived I have loved.  Basically for whatever reason I have been lucky to enjoy and be happy no matter where I am, no matter what I'm doing and no matter who I'm with.  

Ultimately, I do believe this to be a good thing, however, how am I supposed to ever know where I'm supposed to be, what I'm supposed to be doing and who I'm supposed to be doing these things with?  If I'm always enjoying the situation I am in and always make sure to be having fun no matter where I am at, this makes life tough to make decisions cuz as much as I don't like change (only because I am happy in the situation I am currently in) I know that the next situation I am also going to enjoy and be happy in.  

Anyhow, something I think about often.

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